Sunday 18 December 2016

How you can help

The DSPCA was set up in 1840 , their aim is to help stop all animal cruelty including dog cruelty alongside the guards. When these organisations are told where the abuse is happening the guards go to make sure it safe to go rescue the animals and the DSPCA go and rescue the animals, the guards will take anyone on-site that was involved in for questioning and then sometimes give them time in jail for their crime they committed (puppy farms and dog fighting are both illegal in Ireland ). The DSPCA do their best to what is best in the interest of the animal’s health. Sometimes the animals are lucky to be not so badly hurt and they get help before it’s too late to save them and sometimes what’s best for them is to put them out of their pain and put them down because the damage is too much. The lucky animals that survive their cruel start to life, after treatment get to new start to life this time hopefully in a caring and loving environment of people.
So how can we help? Here are two ways we can help is this:
1. we can ring the guards or the DSPCA if we hear of any dog cruelty stories and get them stopped immediately
2. you can donate even the smallest amount of money-€2 a month
^this is the DSPCA logo^

^a video that talks a bit about the work of the DSPCA^

Dog Fighting

German shepherds, Rottweilers, Boxers and many other breeds of dogs have something in common, these breeds are used for dog fighting. Dog fighting can be seen in America since around 1817 and earlier in other places around the world. Dog fighting is a cruel and common means for entrainment in some people’s lives. People train dogs to fight till the death with training. Training is by making the dogs fight bait animals that can’t defend themselves at all and if the dogs don’t kill them in training the bait animals are given to the fighting dogs to finish off and eat as a treat after they’ve trained. Dogs are also given drugs to make them more aggressive and are starved during training to make them more willing to fight Men use dog fighting as a way to gain honour and respect- if their dog wins they are the better trainer and man. People also use this “event/entertainment” to make money by placing bets on the dog they think will win and how long the dogs will last. The losing dog if it survives the fight is drowned or shot for losing the fight. Dog fighting is illegal in Ireland and other countries so people do it in less public places such as alley ways etc. Dog fighting is considered one of the worst displays of animal cruelty and is absolutely disgusting. Dog fighting not only kills many innocent animals but also gives some dog breeds a bad name even though if any breed of dog is brought upright and treated the way they should be there would be no trouble and less dogs would be killed for entertainment and “safety” as some people would think
^ a dog after a fight^
^dogs fighting in a ring^

Cruelty at Home

            As we have seen, dog abuse happens on a mass scale in puppy farms every day by lots of people, but it also happens in a dog owner’s home. Over one million dogs a year are abused and neglected in their homes. It is also common that if there is child abuse or domestic violence or if an owner has been abused during their childhood that that the dog or any type of pet that the pet will be receiving abuse as well. Abuse is not only just physical beating the dog it is also abuse/neglect if you do not feeding the dog enough or at all, not giving them clean or any water, not giving your pet any exercise, having your dog always getting chained up or also being locked up in a cage, small room or a hot car for a long time period. Sometimes when a dog owner realises that they can’t provide for their pet they just throw them out into the street and let them defend for themselves or get picked up and but in a shelter where if they don’t get reclaimed they get put down. Though other people don’t care if they can’t provide for them and just let them suffer until they die.
^dogs left in hot cars can die from dehydration or become very sick and weak and that could lead to them having to be put down^
^dogs left chained up all the time cant escape harsh weather conditions such as sow and the majority of dogs chained up don't  get fed enough and you can see their ribs which shows they are under fed and unhealthy^

Friday 9 December 2016

Puppy Farms

Dog cruelty has been around for many years and keeps getting worse every year with the demand for people wanting dogs. More specifically puppies (especially at Christmas) meaning people not caring how they get a puppy just once they get one. Some people see this as their big chance to make money even though puppy farms are illegal. People like this see a great profit coming from the idea of puppy farms. The people who own these puppy farms breed the female dogs every time the dog goes in season/heat(can become pregnant)this is very harmful to the dog bred. The owners of the farms  keep theses dogs and puppies in cages that shouldn't hold maybe more than one dog but in the farms always do, this means all the puppies and dogs are on top of each other. This means the puppies have no space to exercise for the time in which they  have to spend in these horrible places. Exercise is not the only thing these puppies and dogs are not getting even though legally you ,the owner have to provide it for them. Puppies are also getting deprived of good food and water and the good healthy safe living conditions. Puppies that have been seized from these puppy farms  come out with badly matted coats, overgrown nails, flea, infections in their paws etc. Things such as infections etc. only effect the dog till they have been fully treated to get rid of them but the dogs may eventually as they go through life get more "side-effects" for being bred in these farms. These side-effects may include things like when the puppies do find a loving owner they might be scared of them or might not be so loving back to the owner because of the way they were treated as pups and as a result may have to be put down. so next time you are getting a dog or puppy make sure to check where it used to live and how it was treated to make sure it didn't come from a puppy farm.If people stop buying off puppy farms the cruel people running the farms will make no money and will hopefully stop this dog cruelty because they wont get anything from it anymore. lets make a difference and stop puppy farms together so dogs can live a happy, healthy and long life.
^This a picture of what a dog looks like after being kept in a puppy farm^

Thursday 1 December 2016


Hi my name is Caitlin and this is my blog on dog cruelty.
I hope you find this informative and see why dog cruelty needs to be stopped now.